The series of devices use advanced trench gate superjunction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON)with low gate charge. This super junction MO...
The series of devices use advanced trench gate superjunction technology and design to provide ultra-low RDS(ON)and low gate charge and With a rapid reco...
The series of devices use advanced trench gate superjunction technology and design to provide ultra-low RDS(ON)and low gate charge and With a rapid recover...
The series of devices use advanced trench gate superjunction technology and design to provide ultra-low RDS(ON)and low gate charge and With a rapid recover...
The series of devices use advanced trench gate superjunction technology and design to provide ultra-low RDS(ON)and low gate charge and With a rapid recover...
The series of devices use advanced trench gate super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junctio...
MOS管 650V N沟道TO-220F MOSFET场效应管-NCE65T180F
The series of devices use advanced trench gate superjunction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON)with low gate charge. This super junction MO...
The series of devices uses Super Trench II technology that is uniquely optimized to provide the most efficient high frequency switching performance. Both c...
The NCE4080K uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications...
The NCE3010S uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications...
Power MOSFET is fabricated using the VDSS advanced planer VDMOS technology. The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performan...
Power MOSFET is fabricated using the VDSS advanced planer VDMOS technology.The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performanc...
The Power MOSFET is fabricated using the advanced planar VDMOS technology. The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performanc...
Power MOSFET is fabricated using the VDSS advanced planer VDMOS technology. The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performan...
The Power MOSFET is fabricated using the advanced planar VDMOS technology. The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performanc...
Power MOSFET is fabricated using the VDSS advanced planer VDMOS technology. The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performan...
650V 场效应MOS管--NCE65R900I,NCE65R900K
The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fit...
The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fit...
The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fit...
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