- Power MOSFET is fabricated using the VDSS advanced planer VDMOS technology. The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performance and high avalanche energy.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/ltnqd650v2.html
- The Power MOSFET is fabricated using the advanced planar VDMOS technology. The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performance and high avalance energy.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/ltnqd650v7.html
- Power MOSFET is fabricated using the VDSS advanced planer VDMOS technology. The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performance and high avalanche energy.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/ltnqd650v1.html
- The Power MOSFET is fabricated using the advanced planar VDMOS technology. The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performance and high avalance energy.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/ltnqd650v4.html
- Power MOSFET is fabricated using the VDSS advanced planer VDMOS technology.The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performance and high avalanche energy.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/lt10anqd65.html
- Power MOSFET is fabricated using the VDSS advanced planer VDMOS technology. The resulting device has low conduction resistance,superior switching performance and high avalanche energy.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/lt12anqd65.html
- SVF5N80F/T/MJ/K N沟道增强型高压功率MOS场效应晶体管采用士兰微电子的F-CellTM平面VDMOS工艺技术制造。工艺及条状的原胞设计结构使得该产品具有较低的导通电阻、优越的开关性能及很高的雪崩击穿耐量。 该产品可广泛应用于AC-DC开关电源,DC-DC电源转换器,高压H桥PWM马达驱动。[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/5a800vngdz.html
- Description The NCE3407A uses advanced trench technology to provide excellent RDS(ON), This device is suitable for use as a load switch or in PWM applications[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosgnce340.html
- General Description The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fits the industry’s AC-DC SMPS requirements for PFC, AC/DC power conversion, and industrial power applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/nce65r540i.html
- General Description The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fits the industry’s AC-DC SMPS requirements for PFC, AC/DC power conversion, and industrial power applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/nce65r2k4i.html
- The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fits the industry’s AC-DC SMPS requirements for PFC, AC/DC power conversion, and industrial power applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/nce65r1k2i.html
- The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fits the industry’s AC-DC SMPS requirements for PFC, AC/DC power conversion, and industrial power applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/nce65r1k2n.html
- The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fits the industry’s AC-DC SMPS requirements for PFC, AC/DC power conversion, and industrial power applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosg650vnc.html
- The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fits the industry’s AC-DC SMPS requirements for PFC, AC/DC power conversion, and industrial power applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/xjnmosnce6.html
- The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fits the industry’s AC-DC SMPS requirements for PFC, AC/DC power conversion, and industrial power applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/650vmosgnc.html
- http://zm699.com/Products/xjnmosgnce.html
- The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fits the industry!ˉs AC-DC SMPS requirements for PFC, AC/DC power conversion, and industrial power applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosgnce65r.html
- The NCE60P50 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This device is well suited for high current load applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosgnce60p.html
- The NCE0117 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosgnce011.html
- The NCE4060K uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/23mosgnce406.html
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