- The series of devices use advanced super junction technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This super junction MOSFET fits the industry!ˉs AC-DC SMPS requirements for PFC, AC/DC power conversion, and industrial power applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosgnce65r.html
- The NCE60P50 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This device is well suited for high current load applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosgnce60p.html
- The NCE0117 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosgnce011.html
- The NCE4060K uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/23mosgnce406.html
- The NCE6890 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosgnce689.html
- The NCE7578 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This device is suitable for use in PWM, load switching and general purpose applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosgnce757.html
- The NCE8580 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. This device is suitable for use in PWM, load switching and general purpose applications.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosgnce858.html
- The NCE01P13 uses advanced trench technology and design to provide excellent RDS(ON) with low gate charge. It can be used in a wide variety of applications. It is ESD protested[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/mosgnce01p.html
- The UTC 1N60 is a high voltage MOSFET and is designed to have better characteristics, such as fast switching time, low gate charge, low on-state resistance and have a high rugged avalanche characteristics.This power MOSFET is usually used at high speed switching applications in power supplies, PWM motor controls, high efficient DC to DC converters and bridge circuits.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/powermosfe.html
- The UTC 2N60 is a high voltage power MOSFET and is designed to have better characteristics, such as fast switching time, low gate charge, low on-state resistance and have a high rugged avalanche characteristics. This power MOSFET is usually used at high speed switching applications in power supplies, PWM motor controls, high efficient DC to DC converters and bridge circuits.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/2powermosfe.html
- The UTC 2N70 is a high voltage MOSFET designed to have better characteristics, such as fast switching time, low gate charge, low on-state resistance and high rugged avalanche characteristics. This power MOSFET is usually used at high speed switching applications in power supplies, PWM motor controls, high efficient DC to DC converters and bridge circuits.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/3powermosfe.html
- The UTC 4N60-C is a high voltage power MOSFET and is designed to have better characteristics, such as fast switching time, low gate charge, low on-state resistance and have a high rugged avalanche characteristics. This power MOSFET is usually used at high speed switching applications in power TO-251TO-220F2supplies, PWM motor controls, high efficient DC to DC converters and bridge circuits.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/4powermosfe.html
- The UTC 5N60 is a high voltage power MOSFET and is designed to have better characteristics, such as fast switching time, low gate charge, low on-state resistance and have a high rugged avalanche characteristics. This power MOSFET is usually used at high speed switching applications in power supplies, PWM motor controls, high efficient DC to DC converters and bridge circuits.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/5powermosfe.html
- The UTC 8N60 is a high voltage and high current power MOSFET, designed to have better characteristics, such as fast switching time, low gate charge, low on-state resistance and have a high rugged avalanche characteristics. This power MOSFET is usually used at high speed switching applications in power supplies, PWM motor controls, high efficient DC to DC converters and bridge circuits.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/6powermosfe.html
- The UTC 10N60K is an N-channel Power MOSFET using UTC`s advanced technology to provide customers a minimum on-state resistance and superior switching performance, etc. The UTC 10N60K is generally applied in high efficient DC to DC converters, PWM motor controls and bridge circuits, etc.[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/7powermosfe.html
- AP8266是一款高集成度的电流模式PWM控制芯片,典型功率12V3A,具有高性能、低待机功耗、低成本等特点。AP8266内置绿色降频工作模式,根据负载情况调节工作频率,减少了开关损耗,从而获得较低的待机功耗的较高的转换效率。同时AP8266提供了丰富的保护,包括:逐周期过流保护、过压保护、过压箝位、欠压锁存、过温保护、过载保护,同时具有软启动和间歇工作模式功能。一旦出现故障,芯片进入自动重启状态故障排除。[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/36wpwmkzdy.html
- PN8136内部集成了脉宽调制控制器和功率MOSFET,用于高性能、外围元器件精简的交直流转换开关电源。该芯片提供了性能优异的智能化保护功能,包括周期式过流保护(外部可调)、过载保护、软启动功能。通过Hi-mode、Eco-mode、Burst-mode的三种脉冲功率调节模式混合技术和特殊器件低功耗结构技术实现了低的待机功耗、电压范围下的效率。良好的EMI表现由频率调制技术和SoftDriver技术充分保证。该芯片还内置智能启动模块。PN8136为需要低待机功耗的高性价比反激式开关电源系统提供了一个的实现平台,非常适合五级能效Lever5、 Eur2.0、能源之星的应用。[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/82wledqdxp.html
- PN8137内部集成了脉宽调制控制器和功率MOSFET,用于高性能、外围元器件精简的交直流转换开关电源。该芯片提供了性能优异的智能化保护功能,包括周期式过流保护(外部可调)、过载保护、软启动功能。通过Hi-mode、Eco-mode、Burst-mode的三种脉冲功率调节模式混合技术和特殊器件低功耗结构技术实现了低的待机功耗、电压范围下的效率。良好的EMI表现由频率调制技术和SoftDriver技术充分保证。该芯片还内置智能启动模块。非常适用于DVB领域。[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/15wledqdxp.html
- AP8022芯片内部集成了脉宽调制控制器和新一代的高可靠性功率MOSFET,适用于小功率离线式开关电源。该芯片提供的智能化保护功能,包括过流保护,过压保护,欠压保护,过温保护。[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/ddjghl12xskg.html
- PN8024R芯片内部集成了脉宽调制控制器和高雪崩能力的功率MOSFET,适用于小功率非隔离开关电源。[查看]
- http://zm699.com/Products/fgl12v36wk.html
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